IOS 11.3x Themes(Updated 29 Oct) | 99% Pure Ios

  • Ios 11 3.x Theme | 99% Pure Ios Design By #Surya29 #Mibose

Real ios Fealing in this theme, all apps are themed, pure ios 99%,i sure when u apply, didn't going to any or theme.. Just see the Fetures & Preview.. I sure u will definitely download it.. Thanks


  • ☑ Added iOS X Lockscreen
  • ☑ Module apps
  •     - Whatsapps
  •     - Instagram 
  •     - Music app
  •     - Play store (app store)
  •     - You tube
  •     - More 
  • ☑ Quick ball
  • ☑ Font support unicode logo
  • ☑ New dialpad
  • ☑ New icon 
  • ☑ New volume BG
  • ☑ New system UI
  • ☑ Renamed app
  • ☑ Lock screen
  • ☑ Setting 
  • ☑ Updater
  • ☑ All like iOS 11 &  More
  •  Added 40+ system module 
  • ☑ Re design Sys 99% like ios
  • ☑ Added New Folder background

-> Changelog V11.3x, 29 October 2017

    * New iOS Caller Screen
    * New Apple Boot Animation
    * New Updater design
    * System ui Improvement
    * Module Apps
            - Instagram
            - Calculater - WhatsApp
    * Added New status bar 
    * Known Bug Fixed
    * Fix Landscape volume bg

    Theme (mediafire link)38mb Download:- Click Here 👈

    Font Download :-
    Font Packages:-
    iFont Regular
    iFont rounded cocon
    iFont rounded bold

     How To Install 3rd Party Theme :-

    1.  Go To Play Store
    2. Download Miui Theme EditorApp
    3. Open It
    4. Browse Ur Theme
    5. Then Start
    6. Then Next
    7. Then Ok..
    8. Then Go To Theme Store & Apply It







    All Thanks Credits To The Theme Devloper.. 

    Thanks, Keep Sharing 👍 

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