InvictaOS is based on LineageOS with some cool extra features. It can be used without any need to have Google application's installed.
- Network Traffic Indicators
- Double Tap to sleep on lockscreen
- Ambient display battery indicator
- Additional QS Tiles
- Superuser indicator toggle
- Lockscreen charging information
- Toggle to disable suggestions & tile summaries
- Pixel navigation bar and animation
- Full Substratum OMS theme Support
- Alarm blocker
- Wakelock blocker
- Selinux Switch
- OTA support
- Download the ROM and GApps of your choice
- If U Use Miui Rom Then Format Need(for Data ENCRYPTED Issue)
- If U Use any Oreo Rom Then Don't Format Ur Data Direct Flash It
- -Back Up Ur Internal Storage( for Data Encrypt Issue)
- -Go To Recovery
- -Format Ur Data
- -Make a full wipe (system, data, cache, dalvik)
- -Flash Firmware
- -Flash Rom
- -Flash GAPPS package
- -And at last Reboot!
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