🌠Get your Aadhaar PVC card via official site @₹50 only Order

Being an Indian you are now adhar is mandatory for everyone, a small child to adults every one Join & get the adhar...

Aadhar is a unique identification of a person, eyes, fingerprint many things & data in a card.. one card, one nation...
If your adhar card has lost I mean physically lost, then you can download adhar from Uidai website & also reprint that & get delivered on your address but Note they Have sent you a colour photocopy of that adhar...
Every one needs adhar card print as an atm Card, they want like that but adhar has Not permitted that Officially but people are getting through third party & print that but now adhar has officially announced & start the process, they print on PVC copy & send to your address, also their adhar print is some unique features like a hologram, guilloche pattern, secure QR code, ghost photo & macro text...

What is the “Order Aadhaar Card” service?

“Order Aadhaar Card” is a new service launched by UIDAI which facilitates the Aadhaar holder to get their Aadhaar details printed on PVC card by paying nominal charges. Residents who do not have registered mobile number can also order using Non-Registered /Alternate Mobile Number.

What are the security features of “Aadhaar PVC Card”?

This card contains security features like:

  1. Secure QR Code
  2. Hologram
  3. Micro text
  4. Ghost image
  5. Issue Date & Print Date
  6. Guilloche Pattern
  7. Embossed Aadhaar Logo

How many days will it take to receive “Order Aadhaar Reprint” after creating successful request?

After receiving an order for Order Aadhaar Reprint from the resident UIDAI will handover printed Aadhaar Letter to DoP within 5 working days (excluding the date of request). Aadhaar Letter will be delivered using SPEED POST Service of Department of Post (DoP) in line with DoP delivery norms and Delivery Status may be tracked using DoP Status Track Services

If you want to order the PVC card type adhar then you won't pay ₹50 INR (Including of GST & Speed Post charges)

Here is the official link of PVC Adhar Card Order:- click here

How to Order the PVC Card?

  1. Open the link
  2. Fill details
  3. Send OTP
  4. Confirm your adhar details
  5. Go to payment options
  6. Paid through UPI, Debit, Credit Card & Net Banking
  7. Just Download the payment receipt copy & save it..also you can take screenshots...
  8. Special save the SRN no

If you want to know your adhar print & delivered, tracking AWB no status click here

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